800 MW Cogeneration Plant
Delivered from OLMAR’s workshop in Legnano a “Shell & Tube” heat exchanger designed and manufactured for Iride Energia Power Station in Moncalieri (TO) for the 800 MW repowering of the combined cycle cogeneration plant

We are dealing with a "shell & tube" heat exchanger Ø 3m x 20m length with inside installed over than 100 km of tubes for a total exchanging surface equal to 6200 m2 and a total weight greater than 150 tons
The exchanger is designed “all-in-one” with three different zones: desuperheating, condensing and subcooling
Moncalieri-Torino Sud Plants represents the most important realization of district heating in Italy and one of the greatest in Europe
OLMAR is well experienced in designing and manufacturing of middle, high and superhigh pressure vessels for petrochemical and power plants. Thanks to the innumerable international certifications we export our products worldwide